Birthday Boat Recovery

Bryan planned a perfect birthday trip for me.  It was completely ridiculous and vaguely useful, and it sounded like a ton of fun.

Someone had found a jonboat pinned in a spot halfway through a ten-mile stretch of Cadron Creek, and we were going to go unpin it and get it out.  It was far from simple:  We’d need to put together a group of people to float down to the boat, then get the boat loose from the current that was pushing it up against a large rock in the middle of the creek.  We’d need to take a kit of rope and webbing and pulleys to unpin the boat.  We’d need to take a motor with us so that if the thing would float, we could ‘drive’ it a few more miles downstream to a takeout. Continue reading “Birthday Boat Recovery”

Winter on the Water

It’s been cold, but thanks to drysuits and neoprene and excellent long johns, we’ve been paddling anyway.  Late in January, we were invited to join a small group to paddle on the quiet water of Bayou DeView, from Hickson Lake to Apple Lake.  It was a gray day and my mood matched the weather, but it was still good to be outside.  We ate lunch on Whiskey Island, and Debo ‘adopted’ a too-thin, sad little snake, packing it carefully in a dry box for the trip back to the truck.   (Note:  A month later, the little snake’s eating goldfish like they’re going out of style.  He’s fat and healthy now and he’ll go back home to Whiskey Island sometime in the spring.)

Blog Swamp Painting

The more we thought about creek paddling, the more Bryan and I thought we should get Crash a helmet with more face protection.  She’s never had the least little problem with wearing helmets, and agreed that she’d appreciate headgear that might help her keep all her teeth and jawbones in the same place.  We asked around and did a little research, and just when we’d decided on a ShredReady, and Bryan found one on sale.  The new helmet arrived on our doorstep right beside a nice big rainstorm that brought the creeks up.  But Mandy’s grades weren’t great, and we wouldn’t let her skip school.  She was stuck at home, wearing her new helmet in the kitchen, watching videos, while her friends paddled Richland Creek. Continue reading “Winter on the Water”